Friday, 13 December 2013



I was parking the car in the garage
When you tapped at the window,
Making me skin-jump-heart-pop fast
At the handbrake. Surprise coming
Before that washing of hands, gum
And deodorant had hid my dog-end frame
To made me feel your good girl again.

With measures of love in your eyes,
And disappointment and truth 
You said: "Give it up now Hannage,
Before it really gets too hard to stop,
While you have a choice."
You walked away, your truth entrusted
To the student daughter:
She had been busted.
Guilt and shame before that shrug
Denial: "But I am no addict,
So what harm Dad, in one more packet?"

Brief years on, I didn't even bother
Climbing out of the window at midnight
For my moonlit puff. 
Didn't bother hiding the packets
Or the lighters from you. Gradually,
Even your purchase from Jersey trips
Was tobacco tips from Duty Free.
My "Things" joined your pipe -
Sanctioned tools for us thinking types.

I have stopped now. Several attempts first and misery,
Always reminding me of you by the car,
Cautioning me of the difficulty and the pain.
I wished many times I had heeded,
Took on trust this truth: that seeded addiction
Grows fast and steely in our breasts
And that we can't act easy after early arrest.

And I wonder. Was there a time, father
A glass, or a bottle you poured,
Where I could have skin jumped you,
Stopped you in your tracks,
And said: "Give up now Dad, before it controls you"?
Did I foresee this future: the blackouts, the nerve damage,
The sweet bully guarding all life to ensure the next 
Sauvignon delivery to your bloated liver?
And do I have to watch this? 
Really, tell me. Do I have to watch?
I let my mind go back through time,
And grief makes a scream, a claw for a window,
That magic handbrake
That might time travel
To a different outcome.
You are busted. 
Too late busted.
And you don't care.

Monday, 6 May 2013

May Day Poetry

May Day Project - A poem a day throughout the month of May.

For those of you who do follow this blog, I thought I would let you know that I have been writing another blog - which is really an extension of this one. Every day this month, I am going to be writing and uploading a poem. I am also making audio recordings of these poems wherever possible, although some days I imagine I might have to do this a little later on.

You can find the poems here:

and you can find my Soundcloud page here:

I am attempting this for quite a few reasons, the main one being to keep AWM (Wes Martin) company as he completes a project this month to produce a painting a day. His paintings are available for auction and his blog can be found here:

His confidence in my poetry and his desire to see me write more have tipped the edge for me. Rather than just write when I can't hold a poem in, I am getting used to the discipline of finding a subject and writing, even when I don't feel like it. It is HARD work, I am finding! But immensely rewarding. Hopefully, I will also start to get better at it as the month passes. Certainly, I will have 31 poems to remember this month by.

Any comments or gentle observations would be appreciated. Thank you.


Sunday, 7 April 2013

The School Trip

The School Trip

The tears that loomed
All day, have finally spilled.

And over a lost page -
A checklist of what she will need
As she goes away.
Who is more anxious at separation? 
I am the one sitting up after midnight
Checking labels on luggage
And praying over folded clothes
That she will be OK.
Slipping notes into the washbag,
Pondering which shoes
To squeeze into the bag.

The trigger for the spill
Something quite different though:
The fear of another looming separation
Possibly to be made in defence of the vulnerable.
That part in me, that part in her.
The realisation that this life
Just gets more and more complicated.
And the tangle of relationship
Can pull you up mountains
And rip you from trees.
That loving another
Can bring you back down to your knees
To that bleakest place -
Of feeling 8 years old
And just wanting to find home again.